Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jaw Slightly Swollen Months After Wisdom Tooth Swollen Gums, Slight Jaw Pain...wisdom Teeth Or Infection?

Swollen gums, slight jaw pain...wisdom teeth or infection? - jaw slightly swollen months after wisdom tooth

Sunday night was a bit swollen and painful gums, more and more there. I also have a slight pain in a very small part of the mandible. Is the food in the gums, infection, or materialize the wisdom teeth? What is a quick solution for the swelling to be able to arrive at the dentist?

I go to the dentist Monday, because she is open next time. I am 20 years old and has been done, it is a clean 2 months. Any help would be much appretiate.


ryan y said...

hmmm, I think this could be an infection had a friend with the same problem at the check any problems and do not worry about getting girls

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